Building an Engaged and Inclusive Community: The Role of the Advisory Board

Formation and Composition of the Advisory Board

The Advisory Board of plays a crucial role in promoting informed political discussions and providing a balanced perspective on various issues. Comprised of experts from different fields, the Advisory Board serves as a guiding force, offering insights and recommendations to ensure the platform remains inclusive, transparent, and representative of diverse viewpoints. The composition of the Advisory Board is carefully designed to reflect the vast spectrum of expertise and interests present in the political landscape.

To establish a comprehensive and well-rounded Advisory Board, selects 33 members distributed evenly among 11 different categories. These categories encompass crucial aspects of society, such as education, healthcare, environment, economic policies, and more. Each member of the Advisory Board is chosen based on their extensive knowledge, experience, and contributions to their respective fields.

By including experts from various domains, ensures that the platform benefits from a wide range of perspectives. This diversity fosters robust discussions that take into account different viewpoints, ultimately leading to well-informed and balanced decision-making processes. The goal is to create an inclusive space where citizen reviews and expert opinions intersect, facilitating constructive dialogue that can influence the course of political discourse.

The selection process for the Advisory Board is thorough and transparent. Potential members are identified based on their professional accomplishments, reputation, and expertise in their respective fields. aims to include individuals who have a demonstrated commitment to public welfare and a deep understanding of the issues they specialize in. The platform welcomes applications from experts and also considers recommendations from the Arthanagrik community.

Once selected, Advisory Board members serve for a designated term and are compensated for their contributions to the platform. Each member receives 100 tokens per term, providing them with both financial incentive and voting power. This token allocation ensures that the Advisory Board members have a tangible stake in the platform's success and actively participate in shaping its direction. At the end of their term, 90 of the 100 tokens are returned to the platform, which allows for a continuous evolution of the Advisory Board and prevents the concentration of power within a select few individuals.

The Advisory Board operates as an independent body, providing insightful analysis, recommendations, and constructive feedback to the platform. Their valuable expertise helps shape the platform's policies, ensures transparency, and maintains a high standard of governance. By actively engaging with the Arthanagrik community and taking their opinions and feedback into account, the Advisory Board serves as a vital link between the platform and its user base.

Figure 1: Composition of the Advisory Board

CategoryNumber of Members







Economic Policies






Social Justice




Arts and Culture




International Relations


Table 1: Allocation of Advisory Board Members by Category

The composition of the Advisory Board ensures that the interests and concerns of various sectors are represented, allowing for a holistic approach to policymaking and decision-making on the platform. This diverse and knowledgeable group of experts enhances the credibility and effectiveness of, providing valuable guidance to shape the future of democratic participation and civic engagement.

Expertise and Representation: Ensuring a Diverse Range of Perspectives is committed to fostering an inclusive and vibrant platform that represents a diverse range of perspectives, ensuring that the voices of various communities and fields of expertise are heard and valued. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and civic incentives, the platform goes beyond traditional political engagement by actively encouraging and rewarding individuals for their contributions, regardless of their background or affiliation.

One of the key elements that contribute to the representation of diverse perspectives is the Advisory Board. Comprising 33 members distributed evenly amongst 11 different categories, the Advisory Board acts as a reservoir of expertise and knowledge, hailing from fields such as education, healthcare, environment, and more. Each member is carefully selected based on their professional background and experience, ensuring that the board covers a wide range of domains. This broad representation guarantees that the platform is not controlled by a small group of individuals, but rather, benefits from the insights and opinions of a diverse array of experts.

The Advisory Board's role extends beyond their selection; it actively contributes to the platform by publishing insights, opinions, and critiques. Drawing inspiration from platforms like Rotten Tomatoes, this approach fosters an open and balanced space for political discussions, where citizens can access a variety of perspectives and engage in informed debates. Furthermore, the Advisory Board's contributions are monetarily incentivized through the allocation of 100 tokens per term. These tokens not only generate revenue for the advisory members but also grant them voting power within the platform, ensuring that their voices carry weight in shaping policies and decisions.

To maintain a dynamic and constantly evolving platform, the token allocation includes a mechanism that encourages fresh voices and prevents stagnation. At the end of each term, 90 out of the 100 tokens allotted to an advisory member are returned to the platform. This approach not only prevents the concentration of power but also facilitates the inclusion of new members with novel perspectives and areas of expertise. By embracing this fluidity within the Advisory Board, maintains a dynamic and diverse representation that adapts to changing societal needs and ensures ongoing inclusivity.

In addition to the Advisory Board, actively encourages and incentivizes citizen participation to ensure a wide range of perspectives are represented within the platform. The ownership of an Arthanagrik NFT bestows individuals with the rights to actively contribute content, participate in debates, and vote on platform matters. This ownership model transcends borders, affiliations, and socioeconomic disparities, allowing individuals from all walks of life to engage meaningfully in political discourse. By creating a system that rewards both large-scale participation and attention to detailed tasks, values and acknowledges the efforts of every Arthanagrik, ensuring that a diverse range of voices are heard and appreciated.

Overall, stands as a groundbreaking platform that embraces expertise and representation. Through the Advisory Board's diverse membership and their contributions, as well as the active participation and incentivization of citizens through NFT ownership, the platform creates an inclusive environment that truly democratizes political participation by ensuring a diverse range of perspectives are considered, valued, and influential. By blending technology, politics, and economic structures, sets a new standard for political engagement, one that recognizes and amplifies the power of diversity in shaping collective decision-making processes.

Advancing Informed Political Discussions: Insights and Opinions from the Advisory Board

At the heart of lies the Advisory Board, a diverse group of experts who contribute their insights and opinions to foster open, balanced, and informed political discussions. Drawing inspiration from the world of film criticism on Rotten Tomatoes, the Advisory Board serves as a guiding force for the platform, offering valuable perspectives on various aspects of governance, policy, and societal issues.

Comprised of 33 members, evenly distributed amongst 11 different categories such as education, healthcare, environment, and more, the Advisory Board brings together individuals with deep expertise in their respective fields. These experts are carefully selected based on their knowledge, experience, and commitment to promoting well-rounded political discourse.

The role of the Advisory Board goes beyond the traditional notion of political commentary. Each member is incentivized with 100 tokens per term, granting them both revenue and voting power within the platform. This intricate system ensures that the Advisory Board remains dynamic and ever-evolving, preventing control from being centralized in the hands of a small group of individuals. At the end of each term, 90 of the 100 tokens are returned to the platform, ensuring a continuous infusion of fresh perspectives and preventing undue influence.

The insights offered by the Advisory Board play a vital role in shaping the platform's discourse and decision-making processes. Through regular contributions, members provide in-depth analysis, critiques, and recommendations on a wide range of political matters. Their expertise enhances the quality of discussions and helps steer conversations towards holistic, well-informed perspectives.

To facilitate a vibrant and inclusive platform, encourages citizen reviews and opinions alongside the Advisory Board's insights. By monetarily incentivizing citizen contributions, the platform creates an environment where a variety of perspectives can be freely expressed and valued. This approach ensures that the political discussions within are not dominated solely by experts, but rather encompass the richness and diversity of the wider community.

The Advisory Board's role extends beyond contributing insights and opinions. Members actively engage with the community, addressing concerns, clarifying information, and providing guidance on complex political issues. Their presence serves as a beacon of knowledge, guiding users through the intricacies of policy proposals, debates, and other elements of the platform.

In essence, the Advisory Board is a critical component of's mission to democratize political participation. By leveraging the expertise of diverse individuals, the platform empowers users with well-rounded insights, enabling them to engage in thoughtful, informed discussions. This integration of expert knowledge and citizen input paves the way for a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of political matters, fostering an environment where robust debates and collaborative problem-solving thrive.

Below is a sample flowchart showcasing how the Advisory Board's contributions flow within the ecosystem:

In this flowchart, we see that the Advisory Board members contribute their insights and opinions to the platform. These contributions then become an integral part of the user engagement process, fueling active political discussions within the community. The platform serves as a hub where users can access the expertise of the Advisory Board, foster meaningful exchanges, and contribute to the democratic process.

By intertwining the insights of the Advisory Board with active citizen participation, establishes a robust ecosystem that advances informed political discussions. This unique approach not only enhances the quality of discourse but also empowers individuals with a deeper understanding of political matters, enabling them to make more thoughtful and well-rounded contributions.

Topics Covered by the Advisory Board Publications

The Advisory Board covers a wide range of topics in their publications, including economic policies, social issues, environmental policies, foreign relations, governance and accountability, education and healthcare, and infrastructure development (see Figure 2). This comprehensive coverage ensures that Arthanagriks have access to well-researched and diverse perspectives on crucial political matters.

Encouraging Citizen Reviews: Inclusive Platform for Varied Perspectives is not just a platform for passive political engagement; it values and encourages the diverse perspectives of every Arthanagrik. By providing a space for citizen reviews, the platform creates an inclusive environment that amplifies the voices of individuals from all walks of life, fostering a vibrant community driven by dynamic ideas and insightful discussions.

In this digital era, where information overload and echo chambers have become prevalent, citizen reviews bring a breath of fresh air to the political landscape. Arthanagriks are empowered to share their thoughts, opinions, and critiques on parties, candidates, policies, and a wide array of political matters. These reviews serve as a vital resource for fellow citizens, enabling them to make more informed decisions and engage in constructive dialogue.

The platform leverages blockchain technology to ensure transparency and authenticity of citizen reviews. Each review is immutably recorded on the blockchain, safeguarding it from tampering and providing an undeniable source of information. This fosters trust among users, as they can be confident in the integrity of the reviews they encounter. recognizes that the strength of a democratic society lies in the diversity of its voices. To further cultivate an inclusive environment, the platform actively encourages reviews from individuals with varying perspectives, backgrounds, and ideologies. By doing so, it becomes a vibrant marketplace of ideas, where citizens can engage in healthy debates, challenge one another's viewpoints, and broaden their understanding of different political perspectives.

To incentivize citizen reviews, goes beyond simply providing a platform for expression. It recognizes the value of thoughtful and well-articulated contributions and rewards users accordingly. By creating a comprehensive reward structure that acknowledges the effort put into crafting meaningful reviews, the platform ensures that citizen voices are not only heard but also recognized and appreciated.

Utilizing a blend of blockchain technology and economic incentives, positions citizen reviews as a catalyst for positive change. It empowers individuals to actively participate in shaping the political discourse, offering a genuine opportunity to influence public opinion, drive policy reforms, and ultimately contribute to the overall betterment of society.

Through the fusion of blockchain, civic participation, and economic incentives, creates an inclusive platform that welcomes the perspectives and insights of citizens from all walks of life. By encouraging citizen reviews, the platform empowers individuals to contribute to the political conversation, fostering a diverse and vibrant community where ideas are debated, refined, and ultimately shape the democratic process. Join, be an Arthanagrik, and let your voice be heard in this groundbreaking endeavor to democratize political participation.

Monetarily Incentivizing Advisory Board Contributions

The platform recognizes the immense value of expertise and diverse perspectives in shaping political decisions. To foster an open and inclusive environment for balanced and informed political discussions, the platform incorporates an Advisory Board. This Board, akin to critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, plays a crucial role in providing insights and opinions on various policy matters.

Comprising 33 members distributed evenly among 11 different categories such as education, healthcare, environment, and more, the Advisory Board brings together individuals with specialized knowledge in their respective fields. Through their expertise, they contribute to the platform's goal of enhancing political literacy and fostering well-rounded discussions.

To incentivize active participation and ensure continuous evolution, members of the Advisory Board are provided with tangible rewards for their contributions. Each member is selected based on their expertise and is awarded 100 tokens per term. These tokens not only generate revenue for the Board members but also grant them voting power within the platform's decision-making processes.

However, a unique aspect of the Advisory Board's reward structure distinguishes it from traditional models. At the end of each term, 90 out of the 100 tokens are returned to the platform. This approach ensures that the Board constantly changes and evolves, preventing a small group of individuals from consolidating long-term control or influence over the platform.

By tying both financial incentives and voting power to contributions from the Advisory Board, creates a platform where expertise is valued and actively sought after. This approach encourages members to engage deeply, share their knowledge, and contribute to the platform's collective intelligence.

The Advisory Board's role extends beyond providing expert insights. It also serves as a bridge between the policymakers and the broader community, facilitating the translation of complex information into accessible language and promoting transparency in decision-making processes. Through their contributions, members of the Advisory Board enhance the platform's credibility and legitimacy, ensuring that decisions are well-informed and aligned with the best interests of the community.

The inclusion of the Advisory Board within represents a unique blend of technology, expertise, and democratic principles. With their monetarily incentivized contributions, the Board members form a vital part of the platform's governance structure, actively shaping the policies and initiatives that will drive positive change within the community. This collaborative approach not only empowers individuals to participate meaningfully but also allows for a more inclusive and informed decision-making process that reflects the diversity of perspectives and expertise present on the platform.

In summary, the platform recognizes the crucial role of the Advisory Board in fostering informed political discussions and decision-making. By incentivizing contributions through token rewards and voting power, the platform ensures that expertise is valued, leveraged, and continuously evolving. This innovative approach creates a dynamic environment where individuals with specialized knowledge can actively shape the platform's policies and initiatives, ultimately driving positive change within the community.

Rotational System: Ensuring Continuous Evolution and Avoiding Concentration of Power

In the dynamic realm of politics, the concentration of power can often hinder progress and stifle innovation. recognizes the importance of avoiding the pitfalls of centralized control, and thus implements a unique rotational system that ensures continuous evolution and prevents the consolidation of power within the platform.

At the core of this rotational system is the Advisory Board, a diverse group of experts selected from various fields, including education, healthcare, environment, and more. By distributing the Advisory Board members evenly across these categories, ensures a balanced representation that reflects the multifaceted nature of political decision-making.

The Advisory Board not only serves as a source of valuable insights and opinions but also plays a critical role in shaping the platform's trajectory. Each member is endowed with 100 tokens per term, which not only generates revenue but also grants them voting power within the ecosystem. However, in a move that underscores the commitment to avoiding concentration of power, at the end of their term, 90 of the 100 tokens are returned to the platform.

This carefully orchestrated rotation mechanism ensures a constantly evolving Advisory Board, injecting fresh perspectives and preventing the undue influence of a select few. By constantly renewing the board members, promotes a fair and inclusive decision-making process that remains resilient to the entrenchment of power, thereby fostering an environment of genuine democratic participation.

In addition to the Advisory Board, the rotational system extends to other key aspects of the platform. To prevent the creation of centralized information hubs, the responsibility of reviewing and evaluating content is distributed amongst a larger pool of Arthanagriks, the platform's citizen participants. This decentralized approach not only avoids the consolidation of power but also creates an atmosphere where diverse opinions and perspectives are valued and encouraged.

Moreover, implements a periodic rotation of tasks and rewards, ensuring that no single participant or group monopolizes influential roles or benefits excessively. By periodically reshuffling task assignments and recalibrating the reward structure, the platform actively promotes the engagement of all Arthanagriks and fosters an environment where individual contributions are continuously acknowledged and incentivized.

The rotational system also extends to the platform's leadership positions, such as the moderators responsible for maintaining order and ensuring respectful discourse. These positions, too, follow a periodic rotation, allowing different participants to take on these responsibilities and preventing the entrenchment of power within a select group.

In embracing this rotational system, upholds the values of democracy and inclusivity, ensuring that power remains in constant flux, and no individual or group can exert undue control over the platform. By actively involving a diverse range of participants and preventing the consolidation of authority, paves the way for continuous evolution, progress, and meaningful civic engagement within the realm of politics.

Figure 1: Conceptual Representation of the Rotational System

Token Allocation and Voting Power: Balancing Influence and Accountability

At the core of's unique ecosystem lies the notion of token allocation and voting power, which plays a crucial role in balancing influence and accountability within the platform. Through a thoughtful design, the allocation of tokens and voting power ensures a fair and democratic decision-making process while maintaining an environment where active participation is encouraged and rewarded.

Tokens, in the form of NFTs representing Arthanagrik or citizens, serve as the gateway to participation on the platform. Each NFT grants the holder various rights, including the ability to contribute content, engage in debates, vote on platform matters, and earn rewards based on their contributions. However, the allocation of tokens goes beyond mere ownership and extends to the distribution of voting power within the platform. It is through this distribution that seeks to strike a balance between influence and accountability.

To achieve this delicate equilibrium, the platform employs a multi-layered approach to token allocation and voting power. Initially, each Arthanagrik is assigned a set number of tokens, providing them with an individual voting power that aligns with their level of engagement and contribution. This ensures that active participants have a greater say in shaping the platform's policies and decisions, while also rewarding their commitment and dedication.

However, to guard against undue concentration of power and promote inclusivity, employs a dynamic token allocation system that encourages a more fluid distribution of voting power. At the end of each term, a portion of the tokens held by Arthanagriks is returned to the platform, allowing for a redistribution of voting power and ensuring a constantly evolving and diverse Advisory Board. This mechanism prevents a small group of individuals from exerting long-term control over the platform and fosters a vibrant and inclusive community.

Furthermore, the Advisory Board, consisting of experts across various fields, plays a significant role in balancing influence and accountability. Members of the Advisory Board are selected based on their expertise in specific categories such as education, healthcare, environment, and more. They receive a fixed number of tokens per term for their contributions, which includes publishing insights and opinions. This allocation of tokens provides them with both voting power and a source of revenue, reinforcing their accountability as they actively participate in the democratic decision-making process.

The Advisory Board's role goes beyond offering their expertise; they also serve as a counterbalance to individual token holders. Their inclusion ensures that decisions made within the platform are well-informed and consider a wide range of perspectives. The token allocation to the Advisory Board is carefully calibrated to balance their influence and preserve the democratic nature of the platform, as their voting power remains proportional to their contribution without overwhelming the collective voice of Arthanagriks.

In summary, the token allocation and voting power mechanism adopted by embodies the platform's commitment to fostering an inclusive and accountable political ecosystem. By striking a balance between influence and accountability, ensures that decisions are made collectively, guided by expertise, and influenced by active participants. This approach promotes a vibrant and engaged community where individual contributions are valued, democratic principles are upheld, and the Arthanagriks' voice remains at the heart of the platform's governance.

Advisory Board's Role in Guiding Platform Policies and Direction

The platform recognizes the critical importance of informed guidance and collective wisdom in shaping its policies and direction. To ensure a balanced, inclusive, and well-rounded approach to decision-making, the platform incorporates an esteemed Advisory Board consisting of 33 members, distributed evenly among 11 diverse categories such as education, healthcare, environment, and more.

The primary role of the Advisory Board is to serve as a beacon of expertise and insight, offering valuable perspectives on various political and social matters. Drawing from their extensive knowledge and experience, these esteemed individuals provide guidance and recommendations that shape the policies and direction of the platform.

The Advisory Board operates in a manner akin to the critic reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, wherein each member's expertise and opinions are showcased to foster open and balanced political discussions. By publishing their insights and opinions, the Advisory Board encourages a vibrant exchange of ideas, allowing for a myriad of perspectives to be heard and considered.

However, the platform is committed to avoiding undue concentration of power and ensuring that decision-making remains decentralized and inclusive. To facilitate this, citizen reviews and contributions are actively encouraged and monetarily incentivized. This creates an inclusive and dynamic environment where a variety of perspectives are acknowledged and valued.

Members of the Advisory Board are carefully selected based on their expertise and experience in their respective fields. By bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and knowledge, the Board provides a comprehensive and holistic approach to policy development. Each member is awarded 100 tokens per term for their invaluable contributions, giving them both revenue generation and voting power within the platform.

To maintain a constantly evolving and inclusive platform, transparency and fairness are key. At the end of their term, 90 out of the 100 tokens are returned to the platform, ensuring that the Advisory Board remains dynamic and is not controlled by a small group of individuals. This mechanism ensures that fresh perspectives and new voices continuously shape the platform's trajectory.

The Advisory Board plays a vital role in ensuring that the platform remains aligned with its mission of democratizing political participation. By harnessing the collective wisdom and expertise of its members, this esteemed body guides the platform's policies, direction, and decision-making processes, ensuring that the needs and aspirations of the community are at the forefront.

In conclusion, the Advisory Board forms an integral part of the ecosystem, functioning as a trusted source of guidance and insight for the platform. By actively engaging with citizens, providing expert opinions, and actively contributing to the shaping of policies, the Advisory Board ensures that the platform remains a dynamic and inclusive space that empowers individuals to actively participate in the political process.

Last updated